Bandy Heritage Center


William K. Pilsbury was a native of South Carolina who moved to Georgia. He was a descendant of the Mouzon Huguenot family and a relative of General Francis Marion. He served in the Griffin Light Guards, 5th Georgia Regiment in the Confederate Army of Tennessee from 1861 to 1865. He fought in the Battle of Chickamauga and was wounded in service. He later became a newspaper correspondent for several newspapers including the Atlanta Journal and the Macon Telegraph.

Ms. Cathy Hicks allowed the Bandy Heritage Center to digitally preserve the diary of William K. Pilsbury. Sometime after the Civil War, Pilsbury began compiling a diary about his life and surroundings. He used a textbook and pasted various articles, images, letters, and handwritten notes inside. The inserts included information on William Pilsbury’s time in the service, sermons, images of churches, and some information on other family members along with letters from his acquaintances and miscellaneous articles of varying topics. Throughout the book, he penciled in comments on certain articles, his experience in the Confederate military, his childhood memories, and even included a poem he wrote about his experience in the Battle of Chickamauga.

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Hi-Resolution Scans (PDF)

Bandy Heritage Center staff scanned the book in the order that Pilsbury had it arranged, so the sections contain a mixture of topics rather than being grouped based on subject matter. The sections contain the following:

Section 001

Genealogical information, 5th Georgia Regiment’s involvement in battle with Pilsbury being the last to fire a shot, an invitation to a reception held by the Dawson Guards, church news and sermons, a poem, Confederate references & images, and “Saved by a Bible” article discussing Pilsbury’s injury in battle.

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Section 002

An article of a Confederate Veterans’ rally, religious articles on the Sabbath and teaching, a clipping stating Pilsbury will be a representative of the Methodist Church at a district conference, and community news.

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Section 003

An article on the casualties of the Civil War, an article on Lee and Grant, an article from the Detroit Free Press, and an article titled “Ashamed of Her Name,” an obituary written by W. K. Pilsbury, an article on the dedication of a new building including W. K. Pilsbury’s involvement and information on his grandfather and a reverend, and a poem.

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Section 004

Poems, Methodist Church news, a religious article on giving money to God, an autograph from a Mr. McIntosh Kelb, an article on using slang in the pulpit, religious articles, an article titled “Best Things,” handwritten comments on religious articles, a religious article from Wofford College, S.C., “Facts Worth Remembering” and “Tables of Weights and Measures” articles, a snake and saloon analogy article, a poem, “Presidents of the U.S.,” a list of annual wedding gifts, a clipping stating that the Macon Telegraph has Prof. W. K. Pilsbury as a correspondent, “The Language of Common Flowers” article, and handwritten notes about partiality to hymns.

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Section 005

An article by J.H. Carlisle of Wofford College, Sunday School Resolutions from December 19, 1897, “Recipe for a Day” article, Rocky Mount Academy paper listing W. K. Pilsbury as principal, quotes from famous men, religious and advice articles, “Hints to Sunday-School Teachers,” poems, an article on the Griffin Light Guards listing the survivors, various factual articles on language, commanders of U.S. Army, trees on acres, baby names, American wars, oceans, population, religious denominations, islands of the world, estimated numbers of all creeds, and a United Confederate Veterans meeting announcement.

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Section 006

An article on trees per acre at various distances, measuring corn in the crib, and hay in the mow.

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Section 007

An article on George Washington, an article on Pilsbury, poems, a letter from J.H. Carlisle, religious articles, an article on caring for women’s feet and preventing the spread of disease by washing their dresses, Professor Pilsbury’s announced return from Atlanta with a handwritten date of April 1898, a letter to Mr. Pilsbury, a quote with a handwritten note indicating that it’s from Robert E. Lee, a new Fort Donelson Memorial Chapel article, a card from Mrs. Ellen Peter-Bryce with a handwritten note claiming it was in appreciation for a “tribute” to her husband, maps, a handwritten note of sweet memories of Confederate soldiers, a diagram of a battleship, a diagram of famous Sea Generals, “A Veteran’s Story,” a tribute to Reverend J. W. Burke, an image with handwritten comments explaining it as The Old North Church Steeple and Paul Revere’s ride, an image of a camp scene from the Civil War in 1861, two articles written by W.K. Pilsbury about the 5th Georgia Regiment and Democrats, articles on Chief Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court and on Business Laws, various factual articles on “years of age which animals attain,” “Results of Saving Small Amounts of Money,” and “Average Velocities of Blood,” handwritten notes, an image of the 5th Georgia Regiment in the Battle of Chickamauga with a comment about the accuracy of the representation as he remembered the battle, various images of American flags, and a diagram of a statue at Chickamauga.

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Section 008

A Battle of Chickamauga image with a handwritten note about battle experience, an obituary and biographical article on Reverend William Pope Harrison, a bookmark with a comment penciled in describing it as from a sweetheart of Pilsbury’s when he was young, religious articles, poems, a handwritten comment on Cleveland being one of the grandest men alive, a handwritten article remembering an African-American nanny whom he called “Mauma” and commenting on the African-Americans being included in listening to preachers on Sundays, an article on African-American involvement in religion before the Civil War, a list of the officers and managers of the American Bible Society, an article on the speech by the President of the National Race Council calling for an end to crime against women, a list of members of the C.S.A. with a handwritten note about W.K. Pilsbury’s membership in the organization, an instruction paper from The Atlanta Journal, and an invitation from The Atlanta Journal asking Pilsbury to be a correspondent for them in Dawson, Georgia.

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Section 009

An article on the Revolutionary War soldiers, religious articles, an image of Francis Marion whom Pilsbury commented was a kinsman of his, an article stating that Pilsbury’s pension is on file, an article on navy life, a handwritten note about Pilsbury being in his sickbed and his Confederate experience, an article on the erection of a Confederate monument in Dawson, an article on the 5th Georgia Regiment at Chickamauga, Second Annual Decoration of the graves of Confederate soldiers pamphlet, an article on the Prohibition and alcohol, a letter from Rev. J.H. Scruggs, and an article on teaching.

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Section 010

An article of advice for young men, religious articles, “The Old Oaken Bucket” music sheet, an article on a series of evangelistic meetings in the Gospel Tabernacle, an image of Francis Marion at the Battle of Eutaw Springs with an accompanying article and handwritten notes of another relative who served in this battle, a note about W.K. Pilsbury’s temporarily taking a break from writing, an article about his brother delivering a memorial address, an article on the Dawson Guards, J.H. Scruggs’ name card, letters stating Pilsbury served in the Confederate Army for four years, an article of ceremonial storming of the city of Dawson, an article on the depths of space, Methodist Church of Dawson church news, a handwritten note about a kinsman, Mr. Hatch, who fought and died in a battle near Stono River in the War of 1812, an envelope from Wofford College with a note indicating the writing of Dr. Carlisle, an article written by Pilsbury about the 5th Georgia Regiment’s experience on James Island and in Charleston, South Carolina, an article about Professor Pilsbury’s return to the city, an article on the Fifth Georgia Regiment’s involvement in the Battle of Chickamauga and a handwritten note about Pilsbury’s injury in the battle, an article on Mr. Pilsbury’s resignation from the steward position at the Dawson Methodist Church, a penciled note about an epitaph Pilsbury desired to be on his grave, a letter to Pilsbury about a Nashville reunion of Confederate soldiers in 1897 with a note that he could not attend because of sickness, and “The Exile” poem.

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Section 011

Religious articles, an image of lady liberty, a note penciled in stating that Pilsbury, out of all of his commanders, admired Joseph E. Johnston the most, a poem written by Pilsbury titled “Taps,” a letter to Pilsbury from a man saying that he could not attend a meeting, an illustration of Jackson, Johnston, and Lee,articles on a hospital experience, a drunken husband, and Pilsbury’s reasons for leaving the Eufala Times, “Stories of the War,” articles on Pilsbury’s work for the Recorder, an article responding to an insult to Pilsbury by another writer, “Seven Rules for Young Christians,” several articles on Pilsbury’s involvement with newspapers, an article about the Battle of Chickamauga including a note about Pilsbury’s involvement, a poem by Goethe, “Honor to our Dead Heroes,” an image of a home of one of Pilsbury’s friends, images of the Terrell County courthouse and a public school building, an article on a memorial day service, an article on the death of Mrs. Candler, articles on the importance of women learning to cook and ways to use cheese, and a note about Leonidas Polk.

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Section 012

A handwritten comment on children, women, and a man named Father Ryan, “The Pink Rose” story with an added comment on Pilsbury’s thoughts about the story, an image of soldiers with Pilsbury’s commentary about it being a good representation of the 5th Georgia Regiment in the Battle of Chickamauga, and a poem written by Pilsbury about the Battle of Chickamauga.

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Secton 013

An article about Reverend Sam Jones, a poem about punctuation points, an article on a quarterly conference of the Methodist Church, an article on money and morals, an article on the changing status of women in the South, “Mrs. Felton’s Reply” to the Boston Transcript, handwritten notes on persons who served in the Civil War, a quote, a story of a Cherokee Indian girl, an article on the Veterans receiving annual stipends, an article announcing Pilsbury feels better, a story on a man firing into the air at Chickamauga, religious articles, a diagram of various American flags, a handwritten note indicating that an article is Judge B. Pilsbury’s memorial address in Americus, Georgia, titled “Strewn with Flowers,” religious comments penciled under an article, a list of “Do-nots” for church members, a clipping announcing Professor Pilsbury as leaving to visit his brother in Americus and Dr. Scruggs in Savannah, a story of private John Allen securing votes, “Life’s Mirror,” a handwritten comment of a quote from Dr. Talmage, an article about a home for retired journalists, “The Great Conflict” article comparing the Civil War battles with famous European ones, and a handwritten insert of a quote by Reverend Dr. J.B. Hawthorne.

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Section 014

Religious articles, an article from about the Fifth Georgia Regiment with a penciled note indicating that the article is from the Americus Recorder, an article on the alarming increase of assassination attempts on leaders of countries, “The Boy in the Man” article, and “The Old Folks’ Meetin’” poem.

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Section 015

An article about Americus, Georgia, with Pilsbury’s brother, Judge J.B. Pilsbury, mentioned for serving four years in the Confederate Army, an article on the South’s contribution to the nation, “Wallace’s Tribute to Lee,” an article about stars, an article on Cuba, various poems, an article about Spain’s government being behind in the times, “Widows of the Revolution” article with sketches of the ladies included, a sermon from Dr. Talmage, an article about President McKinley’s visit to Chattanooga, Tennessee, on a Sunday and respecting the Sabbath, a patriotic article about the South’s contribution to forming the nation, “Some People and Their Work” article on not judging people by the clothes they wear with a handwritten note around it stating that Pilsbury’s friends visited him during his time of sickness and that he was thankful, and an article on the Smithsonian.

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Section 016

“Sidney Lanier – the Man the Poet” article, an article on the church’s collections, religious articles, and an article about the Smithsonian

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Section 017

Religious articles with dates and commentary penciled on them, a letter to Pilsbury, two leaves of a plant with a clipping placed over them with a phrase about making life easier for each other, an image of Robert E. Lee, an article on the membership in the Methodist churches, an article on the economy and not living beyond one’s means, an article on the Sabbath with a depiction of Jesus Christ included, an article about William Pepperell, who was involved in capturing Louisburg with the British, a handwritten account of Pilsbury’s experience in the Battle of Chickamauga, an image of a tree indicating South Carolina with a handwritten note stating that it is Pilsbury’s native state, a map of the battlefield of Chickamauga, a poem, a sketch of a Revolutionary battle with a note of “the shot heard round the world,” an image of Jefferson Davis, a depiction of the battle of Missionary Ridge, a handwritten account of Pilsbury’s first-hand experience in the Battle of Chickamauga, an image of the national flag of the Confederate states and the battle flag of the Confederate states, an article on two wounded soldiers from opposing sides aiding each other, “Be a Man” article, “Not Understood” poem, a letter to Pilsbury dated March 15, 1895, an image of Lincoln with a note indicating it was “as he was in 1860,” images of several men including Pilsbury’s tutor James H. Carlisle, an image of Wofford College, image of the Methodist Church in Dawson, Georgia, with a note about the cost and construction of the church, a Confederate Veteran article about heroines in the South, an article on the Confederate soldiers buried in the North and the petition to erect statues in those places, “Confederate Roll of Honor,” an article on the conflict of removing a woman’s membership in the Baptist Church because of her marriage to a Methodist preacher, and a handwritten poem.

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Section 018

“Tillmanism Not Dead Yet” article with a handwritten comment stating “Kill him out – Tillman,” religious articles, a letter to Pilsbury dated August 25, 1897, a booklet titled “Burdens and What to do with Them” with a handwritten comment stating that it was from Pilsbury’s previous tutor James H. Carlisle, an article about the Jonesboro News’s opinion on the Telegraph’s article on anarchy with a handwritten note praising the Telegraph, an article about someone claiming to be the youngest Confederate veteran, a sketch of Union and Confederate generals, a letter from Reverend Dr. J.H. Scruggs, a sketch of Native Americans by a house, “The People Who Make the Journal” list of names, and part of a sketch of a perfecting press.

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Section 019

An article on horses and animal cruelty, various articles with missing pieces, an article on Mr. John D. Simmons and his employment at the Atlanta Journal, an article about Terrell County’s tax returns being abundant, an article on the Atlanta Journal with a sketch of the Journal’s first press and a handwritten comment stating that Pilsbury was employed at the Journal from March 1895 to September 14, 1897, “Carolina Old and New” poem, various poems, an image with text “North and South Shaking Across the Bloody Chasm,” an article about General Sheridan’s “scathing arraignment” of Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, a sketch of a cannon with a bird on it with a handwritten comment stating that his pastor gave it to him, a sketch of “The Conquered Banner” and “The Star Spangled Banner,” an article on lighthouses in the United States, a sketch of a torn hymn page with a handwritten note about how shameful it is, an obituary for Dr. Charles Peters Banks, “True Democratic Doctrine,” an article stating that Miss Anne Pilsbury received her teaching license for the state of Georgia, an article about Reverend J.H. Scruggs, an article about W.K. Pilsbury’s taking charge of the Georgetown High School, an article on Judge Pilsbury, an article about Napoleon, a letter to Pilsbury dated February 10, 1894, an article on Dawson, a handwritten note about the Atlanta Journal being one of the best papers in the state, an article about honoring and decorating the graves of Confederate soldiers, an article about a soldier from Darlington in the Battle of Gettysburg, an image of the Old South Meeting Place and Christ Episcopal Church from Boston Massachusetts, “Where the Old Folks is” article, and a handwritten note stating that Pilsbury completed his book on September 22, 1897.

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